Likewise, if an element belonging to a layer is selected on the diagram, the selection box will show a cursor with a circle. 与之类似,如果您在图表上选择了一个属于层的元素,那么选择框将会显示一个带有圆形的游标。
Now, pressing CTRL ( or Command in MAC) hover across any selection until the a SCISSOR appears on the cursor. 此刻,按住CTRL在选区盘旋,直到一个铰剪呈此刻光标里。
Place the cursor on the bottom centre of the selection and drag the cursor to either one of the top side ( left/ right) and release. 将光标放在选区的底部中间位置,向左上或者右上拖出渐变。
By selecting the new Multi selection mode, you can select components based on the mouse cursor's proximity to them. 使用新的选择模式,你可以轻松选择元件,只用鼠标去接近它们即可。